PDU Bundle for Project Managers

RefineM Products

Agile Videos

Subscribe to our video series to get help maintaining your certifications.

What are Professional Development Units (PDUs)?

The Project Management Institute (PMI) requires certification holders including those with the Project Management Professional (PMP)® certification to maintain their certification by earning Professional Development Units (PDUs). Each PDU represents 1 contact hour or hour of instruction. PMP certification holders need 60 PDUs every three years, of which a minimum of 35 must be professional development and at least 8 must be in each category of PMI's Talent Triangle (Technical Skills, Strategic/Business Management Skills, and Leadership Skills). Following this process helps you keep up with the latest trends in project management and Agile and continue your professional development.

How much should I spend on maintaining my certifications?

PDUs from sources such as half-day or full-day classes can add up to a lot of money. You can take advantage of many online sources, such as podcasts or Web-based videos, to get free or low-cost PDUs.

Why should I subscribe to RefineM's PDU Bundle?

RefineM's PDU Bundle has videos from all three categories of the Talent Triangle and contain high-quality, timely information about key topics in project management and Agile. You will have access to over 20 videos at a cost of less than a dollar per PDU, and we will add more videos regularly. In addition, our video series is backed by phone/email support. If you have a question related to project management, Agile, or another video topic, you can reach out to us and get an answer.

With RefineM's PDU Bundle, you can keep up with project management and Agile, and maintain your certifications, at your own pace.